Judith Okely is Emeritus Professor of Social Anthropology, University of Hull, and currently Deputy Director of the International Gender Studies Centre, Queen Elizabeth House, and Research Associate, School of Anthropology, University of Oxford. Her books include The Traveller-Gypsies (1982), Simone de Beauvoir: A re-reading (1986), Anthropology and autobiography (1992) (co-edited), Own or other culture (1996), Identity and networks: Fashioning gender and ethnicity across cultures (2007) (co-edited), and Knowing how to know: Fieldwork and the ethnographic present (2008) (co-edited). Her research interests encompass Fieldwork practice, Gypsies, feminism, autobiography, visualism, landscape representations, and the aged, mainly within Europe. She can be contacted at j.m.okely(AT)hull.ac.uk.
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